Sunday, 12 June 2011

Fixies are damn SEXY!!! IMO

When I it was my 12th birthday I wanted a mountain bike (MTB) with disc brakes, an endless number of gears, chunky frame coupled with huge knobbly tires. How naive was I??? Now that i'm older I can see past all the macho features of MTB's and see them as quite unnecessary when there are bikes which do away with all the fif faf. 
These bikes are called Fixies which have become increasingly popular these days. Fixies are elegantly simple, light weight and are actually very practical as well as classy. Their name derives from the fact that they have a fixed gear; there's no freewheel, i.e for simpletons out there, the pedals are always moving when the bike is in motion. This may seem as a bad thing but it just makes everything about the bike much more mechanically simpler, no derailleurs (the things that change the gears) which for me always seem to clog up with dirt... PLUS look how gorgeous they look in the photo below  (my adoration extends to the girl as well)...
In particular, createbikes are company involved with creating these beauties in various eye catching styles and colours which are increasingly seen as a must have item for hip youngest these days. However, as with anything that is being introduced to the mass market there will be a horde of haters who want to keep the fun all to themselves. A number of reviewers have put down createbikes due to reliability issues, which I can totally understand... these bikes could be likened to bringing fixies to the masses and therefore there will be constraints in the quality of the parts in order to keep the cost of bikes low;  having said that though, these bikes are sold in the region of £300-£400. Not cheap perhaps... but there is a solution which would save you a beating in the wallet department...

A number of variations
Why not build one yourself, well that's what i'm considering to do, given that ordinary fixies can be bought on ebay for usually under £100 these days, then  individualise accordingly... I think what makes these bikes so hip is that you can really make them your own, unlike the bike I have atm from Halfords :/
it may just be a passing fad but its one that I would love to be part of, before it dissapears just like any other fad....

be prepared for updates soon :)