Friday, 15 July 2011

Poladroid Friday's #1 - 15/07/11

INTRODUCTION - Basically what this is, is me putting up things that happened to me or interested me in the last week or so... with some nifty POLADROIDS, which lets face it... makes any picture fantastic.
Have a go your self!!

#1 EMMA WATSON - it may have been the last time I see her on the silverscreen, so why the hell not!!! pic from her latest shoot with vogue, real nice.... don't believe me!??! see for yourself.

#2 TOUR DE FRANCE - in honour of the greatest cycling sport event (yes I know the pic isn't from the tour, but it still portrays the beauty of teamwork in the sport)

#3 INTERESTING LIGHTING - check this "spider like" ceiling light using numerous angleposie lamps

#4 SUNSHINE - because of all the recent sun we've had in London, I present to you "ME" w/ raybans

#5 Dumbfoundead - has an awesome new track on his youtube channel, check it out!!

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