Friday, 11 February 2011

Introducing the U-Socket

The U-Socket
ARGHHH! your iphone battery is dead and your just about to head for a night out. If your like me your in a state of panic by now trying to remember where you last plugged in the AC adapter. Hold on. What's this.

The U-Socket in full stride!

The guys at Fast Mac have developed what they call the U-Socket. Why? Because they've mangaged to intergrate normal usb ports (just like the ones you find on a computer) into a wall socket.  Just grab your usb lead and plug your USB charged device into the wall socket; as you normally would when charging any other portabl electronic device. But unlike before, with this innovative solution there's no middle man (the EVIL space consuming AC adapter).

Only available in the US so far:(
Check them out @
they have a surplus of neat ideas that revolve around improving your user experience with apple products.
like an eco stand for your IPad.

1 comment:

  1. Apple is definatly taking over the electronic world for sure.
